Lemuria: There Be Giants


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The premise of this proposed romance novel: 

A man, 23 (actual age 60), and a woman, 33 

Meet at the beach. 

Her daughter is drowning. 

He saves her – fends off a shark – almost dies. 

His appearance is unusual – grey skin – slightly pointed ears and teeth – Magenta coloured eyes. Physically agile and strong – yet shorter than average human height. 

He is human and elf hybrid. 

He is from inner earth. Has emerge from a cave-labyrinth underground, somewhere on the SE African coast.  

She is lonely widow. Has been through tragedy and hardships.  

He is childlike and struggles with the oddities of the surface world. 

She id drawn to his innocent and goofish, yet mysterious nature. 

He tries to hide his appearance and to avoid contact with others as much as possible. 

World being taken over by reptilians – He is able to guide her through this hellish dystopia. 


Canon was on the edge of death.  He had passed out a while ago. His conscious mind, unable to cope with the violent barrage of synapses, had simply chosen to shut down completely. Now his limp form was thrown about like a rag in a maelstrom, as his throat and lungs filled with salt water.  Strong currents and then waves pushed, pulled and pummeled him, before eventually spitting him out onto a distant shore. He coughed, spasmed, and then vomited the acrid brine which had filled his lungs. The painful burn of his abused lungs was replaced by the sweet fresh inhalation of air, as he gasped and fought instinctively for life. It was all he could manage… Thereafter, he simply lay face-down and naked in the sand, in careless oblivion. 


Elise sank to knees in despair. The morbid looking soldier, shuffled awkwardly on her doorstep, opting to remain silent, rather than exacerbate the situation with an attempted placatory remark. She barely found the strength to thank him for his courtesy, before closing the front door and sitting with her back presses against it. As if to try to shut the whole messed up world out! 

She buried her head in her hands and sobbed bitterly. Her husband, Trevor was dead. Killed in combat, somewhere in some godforsaken dessert in libya. She and Sam would be alone now… Alone in a world which was becoming more and more difficult by the day. Despair turned to rage, as she realized he had opted to fight for a bunch of misguided bureaucrats, when he should’ve chosen instead to fight for his wife and daughter. But then rage rotated back to despair, as she realized he was gone forever. She could never again sink into his strong embrace, talk with him late into night after making love, and share the joy of watching their daughter grow up together. She was alone, truly alone for the first time in her life and the realization terrified her…  

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