Lemuria: There Be Giants

Master and Student

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‘Because the world is round of course and likened to a globe.

The crust, the mantle then the core – the deeper one might probe…’

‘So just how deep have we probed?’ the student asked the master …

‘Eight miles or more, or so I think, too deep would court disaster’

‘But how please sir, can we know that all this is as they say?’

‘Fault-lines, volcanoes and diamonds boy, as the experts say.’

‘So is the mantle lava then, and is the core just rock?’

‘Iron and such, or so they say, and the mantle has some rock.’

‘But surely sir, there could be more, buried under ground?

Like hidden caves and gardens too, which have not yet been found.’

But the master laughed, and then he coughed and had to blow his nose,

So blind he was to the truth that no expert truly knows:

‘Like bedside stories told to children? Fairy tales too.

All aimed to scare the likes of you, like demons and dragons too?’

‘No young fool the facts are straight–it’s best you get in line!

       Solid Science is plate tectonics – and that should serve us fine.’

Our globe is not as it seems....
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

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