Lemuria: There Be Giants

The Fighter Pilot

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Strong hands gentled, his fingers light.

Breathe in then out, beating heart calmed.

Eyes sharp with peripheral sight –

He’s fast, deadly, and always armed!

He swoops and swerves his steel winged bird –

Yawing then banking, left and right.

                   He sees the first two, then the third.

Enemy ships, a frightful sight!

Through the fire, the Phoenix flies,

They’ve attacked, but to no avail.

As through the clouds, and darkening skies,

He swoops between their fiery trail.

Targets locked, he fires his canon,

Then swerves and skims the raging sea,

To strike another deep sea dragon,

And then the third which tried to flee.

Enemy Ships, they spot him first!

Dog fights, loops, a spiraling race –

Lightning flashes, a plasma burst!                   

He’s the best – a fighter – an ace.

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