Lemuria: There Be Giants

Daily Random Post

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17 Aug 2023

“Michanius, you traitor! You and your treacherous crew will be made an example of – do you hear me?! I’ll personally oversee your reprogramming! You’ll be kept alive for many years to suffer endless torment…” the bloated Julius gasped for breath. He had somehow made his escape from Malta… Knowing him, and the blustering coward he was, he had no doubt seized a ship and made good his escape at the first sign of the attack… “And that human girl… Yes, I know she is there with you… I shall personally reprogram her to carry out your daily torment! I might even leave just enough of her mind intact so that she can still comprehend what she is doing… I’ll personally eat the parts of her flesh we don’t need, like her…” But Michanius had already switched off his sputtering voice and was content to allow Bella to take the bait and rise to the challenge –

“Julius, you fat bloated pig!” she screamed. “Shut up for a minute so that I can tell you what is really going to happen! Once our Rebels annihilate your evil army I will personally dismember your disgusting bloated corpse and feed it to the rest of your scumbag council. The fat alone should keep them fed for months…”

They could only imagine Julius wailing in the distance, as by then Michanius had completely switched off the comms. He turned and held Bella close to his chest to comfort her.

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