Lemuria: There Be Giants

Series Update

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21 Aug 23

With Book Two – Lemuria: There Be Giants – in the process of being launched, I am now two thirds of the way through Book three: Atlantis… 230 pages in and our heroes are only approaching the lost continent now. (So it appears as though this will be a thicker book.)

I’m having a great deal of fun with it though. So many twists and turns, with so many adventures along the way. If this book fails to captivate and intrigue my readers – then they have no imagination.

Speaking of ‘imagination’, I have been asked how I am able to constantly come up with fresh ideas in almost every chapter. The answer is that I am that eccentric, that I actually believe in much of what I write… I can’t even say that I have used my artistic license to stretch and exaggerate various topics and themes… For you see, I am one of those nut-jobs who genuinely believe that ‘truth is stranger than fiction’. I genuinely believe in concepts such as aliens, hybrid entities, ancient or lost civilizations, and inner earth… So once you have wandered deep into the rabbit holes, putting it all into words becomes as easy as breathing.


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