Lemuria: There Be Giants

Another Random Post

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There was the typical hush, which accompanied a crowd falling silent on witnessing an unusual event, but Alicia was oblivious to it all…

“We require these seats, as we are weary…” with this odd, yet refreshingly honest explanation, two men, one above average height and one below, plonked themselves down onto the chairs opposite her. In fairness to them, the deli was crowded, but this didn’t soften her irritation at having her work disturbed. Besides, she still looked like she had crawled through a bush backwards…

She cleared her throat… “Ahem. It’s, um – it’s just that I’m trying to work…” but her words trailed off, as her eyes became transfixed by those of the taller man…

It was as if time had slowed to a standstill… The usual din of a crowded restaurant and various other ambient sounds, all reduced in volume, in silent acknowledgement or respect for a whole new force of nature. Sound, light, space and time; all suddenly subdued as they awkwardly gave homage to a whole new magic…

She shook her head angrily, as though shaking off a spell. Her instinct was to flee, and so she began hastily packing away her tablet and notepad.

“It’s okay… You are welcome to continue working, miss.” It was the kind looking African gentlemen who spoke these reassuring words. His eyes seemed to smile as though he was privy to some mischievous secret…

Alicia was flustered now. Being a consummate and experienced professional, she should be cool, calm and assertive – always. It made no difference to her if she interviewed the leader of the once free world, or a humble labourer. And yet here she was, suddenly acting like a nervous schoolgirl!

She glanced at the stranger again, and his emerald-green eyes continued staring at her, as if they hadn’t shifted from the centre of her being since he had sat down.

‘Had he felt it too? Their strange connection?’ she wondered to herself. He looked so out of place… So incredibly odd! If she could excuse for the moment, the fact that he was wearing nothing other than a tatty bedsheet, then there was his strange, chiselled, Viking-like appearance. And his accent… There was barely a trace of anything, other than possibly a slight hot potato in his mouth.

‘Not local, nor Scandinavian… Not English… Then where on earth does he come from?’ She asked herself, her investigative skills finally kicking in… despite herself. It was enough to persuade herself to linger a little longer. After all, there was just no way she could allow herself to leave without finding out all she could about him…

They continued their staring match… It had been dragging on for at least a minute now… ‘Perhaps he’s a mercenary. He looks the type: big and tough, and well-travelled… How many innocents have you killed?’ she wondered suddenly, becoming angry despite herself. ‘Those eyes… the eyes of a hunter… Of that there could be no doubt.’

By now Abel was becoming decidedly uncomfortable. Fortunately for him, a waitress came to his rescue…

“Good morning, everyone. Can I give you some menus?” she was young and friendly, although Canon and Alicia hadn’t acknowledged, or even noticed her.

“Yes, please miss. And may we please have two coffees and another cappuccino,” using the momentary distraction, Abel tried elbowing Canon in his ribs to jerk him out of his strangely frozen state, but to no avail.

“Certainly, I’ll be right back,” the waitress stared at Canon quizzically before rushing off.

“I see that you can write words…” not the words he would have chosen, but at least Canon had broken the deadlock.

“That is very observant of you…” her face was deadpan.

“I could possibly make use of a writer of words…”

“Hmmm… lucky me.” Honestly, she had no idea where this was going…

“If you can transform them into waves, you could be of some use to me…”

“Here on earth, we call it information technology, or media…” an inexplicable chill ran down her spine as she spoke these words… ‘Could he be an alien? Surely not?’

“Do you reside nearby?” Canon asked her suddenly. “We can go there now, but I will need to bathe and rest before we can begin.”

Alicia had humoured this alien-man as long as she possibly could, but now all she wanted was to step off the looney train and return to her daughter. If only she had trusted her instincts and stayed in bed! Her spider senses were tingling, and she needed to leave… “Well, it’s been… um interesting… But I really need to go…”

Canon sensed that he had failed to communicate effectively with this young human female. He had after all, just washed up onto these shores and could thus not be expected to adapt instantaneously. Especially when confronted with such an exotic, enigmatic and exquisite example of the female sex.  He wished suddenly that he could somehow find the right words… in desperation he spoke the only words that could make any sense to him at the time.

“You are all going to die…” He blurted out in sudden desperation… Alicia fled like a startled gazelle, whilst Abel shook his head sadly at his companion’s demise. This was no way to impress an inkosazana (princess)…

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